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Cforyourself: Vitamin C for Optimum Health

Our Mission

To increase the awareness of vitamin C for optimum health and its therapeutic use in the treatment of many illnesses and conditions

Why You Need More Vitamin C

C is the most popular vitamin supplement, and yet hardly anyone gets enough. Learn what you should do about it and why in the Primer section.

Find out more

In the News

Specific Conditions



Is there some nutritional basis for ADD/ADHD and, if so, what can help.



Both Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis have been shown to respond to HDVC



It appears that vitamin C plays two important roles in lessening the symptoms of asthma.



Healthy intervertebral discs depend on proper collagen formation. C is required.



Everybody gets cancer. Some of us die from it. Why?



Everybody knows that vitamin C has little effect on the common cold or the flu. Fortunately, that’s just not true.



C, in sufficient doses, has been shown to cure most all infectious diseases. How about COVID-19?



Bleeding gums are a symptom of scurvy



Evidence is accumulating that Type 1 diabetes is linked to immune system function. Is C deficiency involved?



Cataracts and Age-related macular degeneration are reduced with adequate vitamin C.



Atherosclerosis is a vitamin C deficiency disease.



HIV and AIDS are infections that can be positively affected by the use of HDVC (High-dose Vitamin C).



"...failure to use this agent [vitamin c] in sufficient amounts in pregnancy borders on malpractice."



Vitamin C is a requirement, directly or indirectly, of most all body processes.



Sudden Infant Death Syndrome may be a complication of acute infantile scurvy.



Sinusitis is an infection and inflammation (-itis). C is your best, first choice.



A Stroke is like a heart attack in the brain. Compromised arterial integrity is a key factor.

Why We’re Here

A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.

–William James (1842-1910)
American Philosopher

Vitamin C is required for life. The nature of our diets leads to a serious lack of this essential nutrient. This situation may be a leading contributor to much of the sickness and chronic disease that the population of the earth suffers.

A study in the Journal of Epidemiology (May, 1992) was reported to show that people who have high blood levels of vitamin C live 6 years longer than those who have lower blood levels.

Vitamin C in high doses (up to 100 grams/day or more IV) has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of cancer. This is an extremely positive and safe course to take in that it promotes an increased state of wellness and experience shows that high levels of vitamin C act as a chemotherapy potentiator. It also protects healthy cells from radiation therapy damage.

Half of us in the United States will die from heart disease. The foundation of heart disease is atherosclerosis, the narrowing of our arteries with plaque. By why does our body do this? It must be for a reason. The presence of cholesterol is not compelling. Our bodies make several thousand milligrams of cholesterol a day (see Saturated Facts). If atherosclerosis is a healing process to patch a compromised arterial wall, as I believe, how can we make our arteries healthy and stop this process that, over time, becomes a serious problem of its own? Chronic vitamin C deficiency leads to poor to tissue integrity. Hence, chronic vitamin C deficiency is the fundamental cause of heart disease. This is discussd in depth in the Heart Disease Section.

We are here to increase the knowledge of our visitors concerning vitamin C and to promote dietary supplementation, both for general good health and for the treatment of disease.

Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P. was probably the leading authority on the clinical use of vitamin C. His paper, Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range Of A Vitamin In Human Pathology (not as boring or technical as the title makes it seem) contains many of his experiences treating many conditions and diseases. On the question of when C is appropriate, Dr. Klenner said

“Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.”

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What You Can Do

As you can probably already tell, I am very passionate about this information and its importance for us all. I can’t begin to tell you how frustrating it is when I discuss this information with someone and they reject it out-of-hand because it seems too different from how they think or what they have learned. I beg you to open your mind enough to allow me to make the argument for vitamin C in high doses (this site includes many links and a comprehensive References section). Then make a decision on your own.That’s all I ask. It wouldn’t be the first time “everyone” was wrong (the earth is flat).

We welcome your input. If you have read an informative book or article or found another web site that our visitors could benefit from, we want to share it with them. Most importantly, we want you to share your personal experience with vitamin C. Since vitamin C is not a patentable drug, there is no financial incentive to perform the double-blind studies that most of the scientific community requires before being convinced of a substance’s effectiveness. (If you have heard of the Mayo study concerning vitamin C and cancer, we discuss that in the Cancer section).

If you suffer from sinusitis, please check out the Cforyourself Sinusitis Study

To learn more about Vitamin C, visit the Overview and Learning About C sections. Visit the Experiences pages under Specific Conditions to investigate other’s results with vitamin C. And please click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of any page to share your thoughts, suggestions, questions and experiences.

If you are a health care professional, please read the Open Letter to the Medical Community.

Thank you!

The Power of the Internet

We hope, through the communicative power of the Internet, that many people will share their experiences here to fill the void that the conventional medical community has overlooked. Please click on the e-mail icon on any page to send us your thoughts, suggestions and comments. Please visit the letters section and our new message board to see what others have contributed. Visit the Editorial page to see what’s on my mind.

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